Monday, March 30, 2009


Berikut ini kita akan berbincang-bincang tentang suatu cara untuk melatih ketrampilan berhitung anak-anak.
Kami menyebutnya dengan nama JARIMATIKA.

Matematika memang tidak selalu mudah, namun setidak-tidaknya kita bisa membuatnya menarik dan menyenangkan.

Mengapa disebut Jarimatika?
Karena kita akan memanfaatkan jari-jari tangan untuk alat bantu menyelesaikan Aritmatika (dalam hal ini proses berhitung):

Kali – Bagi –Tambah – dan Kurang atau biar keren disingkat dengan KaBaTaku.

Apa nilai lebihnya?

Jarimatika memberikan visualisasi proses berhitung. Hal ini akan membuat anak mudah melakukannya.

Gerakan jari-jari tangan akan menarik minat anak. Mungkin mereka menganggapnya lucu. Yang jelas, mereka akan melakukannya dengan GEMBIRA.
Jarimatika relatif tidak memberatkan memori otak saat digunakan.

Alatnya tidak perlu dibeli, tidak akan pernah ketinggalan, atau terlupa dimana menyimpannya….….dan juga tidak bisa disita saat ujian…

Bagaimana cara mempraktekannya?



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Delegation Jobs

Conflict in the world of work often occur because employees understand less about ethics in providing employment to colleagues.
How the delivery of the irreverent often become the main reason and need to know to give someone a job is not something easy, because you directly to give "extra" work on the person concerned.

Here are some tips that may be useful for you.

1.Identify the type of work that will be delegated

It is important to know the specifics of the work will be delegated before you submit your work to colleagues. It's easy, he will ask a lot of work, if you can not explain, and who will do that?


Saturday, February 7, 2009


See 10 tips that we submit the following.

1. Rest
When you start to feel the pressure, stop whatever you are doing the middle and say in your heart on your own 'quiet'.

2. Drag the breath and Relax
Breath in pull-in and dispose of it, the concentration on the movement of your diaphragm. Do this two or three times until you begin to feel restrained.
If you are seated, stand and head movement do with how you look left and right. Movement of the hands and arms you turn, and lift the shoulders of this body to make you feel relaxed.

3. Do not Silence Movement
Make a quick way, although it is only walking around the room or bathroom, this is useful to help expedite the flow of blood. Moving regularly can help to burn the negative effects of stress hormones.
And the shrill cry of a place or in private apartments. This can also be used for the therapy of stress.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Termination of Employment Relations

In fact, that is not possible in this world. Although many people think that the conventional work in a company that has been established tend to 'safe,' the possibility Termination Employment Relations at the time such as now we are very open.

For anyone, does not have a job is a big problem. For, that means loss of income to pay your monthly sustain all the needs, especially those married.
No one can predict the future with the right is not it?
You can suddenly exposed Termination of Employment Relations. If you do not anticipate, please follow some practical tips below:

1. Update always Curiculum Vitae (CV) you at least once a year. In a period of time, try to learn more on the things that are useful for you to support your career, such as a foreign language, skills management, computer and others.

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Do not forget 17 Attitudes IN LIFE

1. If a problem has occurred, not should be avoided (confused), but MUST be faced with calm (imaginable way out) and definitely finished.

2. Facing all this, can not think negative, such as: "I certainly can not afford," "I can not," and so on. But always think positive, like: "I can, surely there is way out."

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Friday, January 30, 2009




Companies and organizations in the non-profit organization is often found a variety of internal problems, both caused by the system or individual (attitude). Organizational behavior (organizational behavior) can be so positive when the mean-manage with the right given by those who tangung responsibility as a leader in each section, or vice versa can be a negative meaning when left without any effort into the repair (internal improvements).

Various managerial training is one of the efforts to overcome the problems mentioned above, In addition to improving the performance of the organization through the performance of individual / employee.
One type of training that was conducted with the indoor meramu teaching methods and practices through various Simulation games (outdoor), known by the name out bound training.


From the various games that have, in principle at the level 3 grouped based on the level of difficulty and risk, namely: low, medium and high impact.
Impact on high-level, participants will be presented in the training activities and be prosecuted enough courage and a high security. This level is usually suitable for the young age of the participants or the organization that has a hobby-related activities of nature lovers.

Based on our experience and observations during this, the most appropriate level for the staff to head a top company in the event out of a low is bound to impact the middle. At these levels there are any actual level of difficulty is high enough to be solved the participants through some games.
In general, the core material which would be in the out bound activities include:

a. Team work (think property)
b. Creative Thinking (problems)
c. Leadership

Given the training that we hold a special made, of course FOCUS learned material would be adjusted to the needs of our customers. Therefore, before a training activities (training both indoors and out), we usually just do the interview session TNA (Training Needs Analysis) to the customer so that the goal of training is completely in accordance with the needs of customers. Based on the TNA, the design of the curriculum will prepare our syllabus, the form of the game, instructors and support the right material, so that the expected results in accordance with the objectives of the training and apply for participants.


In general, preferred outbound activities performed in the system package (including Lodging / accommodation, etc). But based on our experience so far, with a system like this will result in less willingness terakomodasinya companies will be places (hotels, villas, etc.) and the form of program. Usually (though not always) out to the company while also gathering for the company's employees.
Based on this, we offer flexibility to the company / customers about the election. Company / customer can choose and manage their own place / location dikehendakinya, including the program, we will adjust. To select a specific location should also be complete facilities for the field or doing outdoor activities. After a specified place, we will also conduct the survey. *)

Outbound investment for this activity is Rp 10,500,000, - (ten million five hundred thousand rupiah) outside govt. tax, for a maximum of 35 (thirty-five) participants. Participants are charged an additional Rp 350,000, - / person. The cost is included on the training kit, t-shirts, hats and share. Meanwhile, accommodation and transport participants and instructors team provided and managed by the company / customers.

4. Duration

The total duration of the training is bound to be spent around 16 hours (2 days), in which 80% is the outdoor activities in full. However, based on customer demand, we can meriew to reduce the duration of training, especially when customers / companies have other events. In principle, the purpose of the company / customer does not interfere at all in fact be more "live" and motivated to come out of training.


Besides training for company employees, we also offer the same activities that are intended specifically for company employees and their families. In some events, we found a few companies make the company's annual gathering of a "family gathering" that would also involve staff members of the family (spouse and children).
Package family out for this event we Designed specifically for adults (husband & wife or single employees), and children come out (for children aged 5-12 years).
Untukkegiatan this investment we can be together when customers interested.

If Mr. / Mrs. want to know more information, please contact us play and we will be happy to explain directly.

Thank you.

Team Veritas inti


*) To go out and tied a regular or if the customer desires in the form of a complete package including residential accommodation (hotel, cottages, etc.) we will also prepare and offer the option in some locations.


Managerial Training

1. Basic Supervisory Training (level team leader)

2. Advance Supervisory Training (level shift leader )

3. Leadership & Managerial Program (level jr. Manager – Sr. Manager)

4. Organization Behavior (Sr.Manager,GM, director)

5. HR for non HR Manager

6. Finance for non Finance Manager

7. Superb Customer Satisfaction

8. Change Management

9. Train the Trainer

10. Coaching and Counseling

11. Training Identification and Analysis

12. Small Group Activity / Quality Control Circle

13. SMK-3 / OHSAS

Technical Training

1. Hydraulic System

2. Basic Forklift Machine Operation

3. Diesel Engine Operation and Maintenance

4. Instrumentation

5. Condition Monitoring on Bearing (basic)

6. Vibration Analysis (advance)

7. Emergency Response Team

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